My Morning Walk … I’m a morning person. I like the freshness of a new day. Usually, I’m out of bed by 5:30am. After a small breakfast and coffee, and some morning news on TV, I am ready to start my morning walk. I used to walk my 2 dogs at that time, but a while ago, they pulled one way, and my knees went another, so I take them to the McAllister Park dog park at least once a week. My doctor is pretty strict on the “Do at least 30 minutes of exercise every day lecture.” So, I walk for the exercise.
For me, morning walks are better than evening walks. The temperature is usually less than 80 degrees, but still humid. Sometimes the sky is relatively dark, so you can see the moon and some stars. If it is really dark, I carry my little flashlight so cars on the street can see me. You can learn a lot about a neighborhood when you walk through it compared to driving through it. I like the sounds in the morning. The sounds of neighbors getting ready for work, telling their families goodbye. Oh yeah, dogs barking, it would not feel like home if I didn’t hear dogs barking. Garage doors open, cars starting, people leaving. I enjoy saying hello to other neighbors that are also walking, many with their dogs. I enjoy looking at the houses, their design and character. Some neighbors take so much pride in their homes and yards. Colorful flowers, plants & mature oak trees.