A lawyer sat at his desk, flipping through his client files when he realized he needed to make a quick call. He called the number, waiting as the phone rang.

Finally, a tiny voice answered in a hushed whisper:


The lawyer furrowed his brows. “Hello there! Is your mommy home?”

(Whispering) “Yes.”

“Can I speak with her?”

(Whispering) “No… she’s very busy.”

Curious, the lawyer asked, “Is your daddy home?”

(Whispering) “Yes.”

“Can I speak with him?”

(Whispering) “No… he’s very busy too.”

The lawyer raised an eyebrow. “Is there anyone else there?”

(Whispering) “Yes… the fire department.”

“The fire department? Can I speak to one of them?”

(Whispering) “No… they’re busy.”

Now, the lawyer was really puzzled. “Okay… is there anybody ELSE there?”

(Whispering) “The police.”

The lawyer sat up straight. “Wait, is the police there too?! Can I talk to one of them?”

(Whispering) “No… they’re busy too.”

Now thoroughly alarmed, the lawyer asked, “Let me get this straight… your mom, dad, the fire department, and the police are all at your house … and they’re ALL busy? What exactly are they doing?”

There was a short pause before the little voice whispered back: “They’re all looking for me.”

After a bit of silence.

The lawyer hung up, realizing he had just called the undisputed hide-and-seek champion of the world.