Old Johnny, a seasoned biker, walked into a motorcycle showroom and spotted the perfect bike he’d been dreaming of. He asked the salesman to hold it for him until the next day, explaining he wanted to buy it on his birthday. The salesman agreed and promised not to sell it.
The next day, Johnny returned to the showroom, only to find the bike had been sold to a young woman.
Frustrated, Johnny confronted the salesman. “I asked you to hold this bike for me! Not only did you break your word, but you sold it at a discount!”
The salesman shrugged and said, “She insisted on buying this bike and she asked for a discount. Look at her, how could I say no?”
Before Johnny could respond, the young woman approached, holding out the bike’s keys.
She grinned at Johnny and said, “Didn’t I tell you I’d get us a deal? Happy birthday, Dad!”