Neighbors showed up for coffee and donuts with grownups. Plenty of interesting conversations.

Unfortunately, some people left before I remembered to take any pictures.

My daughter Malena baked some cookies and helped me host this event.

We had a few tables around the room, but it seemed like everyone just kept squeezing in with more chairs around the large dining table.


Neighbors brought more cookies and donuts, and I had plenty of coffee brewing.

Many of the neighbors knew each other but it seemed like everyone had a lot of catching up to do. Many neighbors hadn’t talked much since covid started.


Some conversations were pretty funny. I noticed plenty of smiles.

Some neighbors talked about being the original homeowner of their home.

Many have lived in Oak Hollow Park over 30 years.

Everyone agreed that they were comfortable residing in Oak Hollow Park.


Cornhole Board Game


After about an hour of conversation I remember asking the neighbors present if they wanted to toss some beanbags.


They did. And next thing I knew, we had some “ringers” in the house.

In no time at all, the females were consistently tossing the beanbags through the hole-in-the-board like pros.

I didn’t fare so well.


But Walter, after a few practice tosses, was sinking the beanbags just like the ladies. Again, I still didn’t fare so well.

We had fun. We did not decide when we will get together again, but everyone agreed they want to meet again.

I want to especially thank Alicia Pena for all her work helping organize this event.
