A father, passing by his son’s bedroom, noticed it was unusually tidy, something that rarely happened. On the pillow, there was an envelope addressed simply to “Dad.” Feeling a knot form in his stomach, he picked it up, opened it with trembling hands, and began to read.
Dear Dad,
It is with a heavy heart that I write this letter. By the time you read it, I’ll be gone.
I had to leave home because I’ve found true love with my girlfriend, Stacy. I know you and Mom wouldn’t approve of her, she has piercings, tattoos, and she rides a motorcycle. Plus, she’s older than me.
But it’s not just love, Dad. Stacy’s pregnant. We’ve decided to live together in her trailer deep in the woods, far away from everyone. It’s cozy, and she’s got enough firewood to keep us warm through the winter.
Stacy also introduced me to a new way of life. She’s shown me that marijuana isn’t as bad as people think. We’ll be growing it ourselves and trading it for cocaine and ecstasy with our friends in the commune.
Oh, and don’t worry about Stacy’s health. She’s optimistic that science will soon find a cure for AIDS. She’s so brave, Dad, and I’ll be there to support her every step of the way.
I know I’m only 15, but I’m ready to take on the responsibility of being a father and building a life with Stacy. One day, I hope to bring your grandchildren to meet you and Mom.
Your son, Josh
P.S. None of this is true. I’m at Jason’s house playing video games. I just wanted to remind you that there are worse things in life than the report card waiting for you on the kitchen table. Call me when it’s safe to come home.