Why I like the idea of a Saturday Neighborhood Party with neighbors where I live in Oak Hollow Park.
When I was 30 years old, I hosted a “Family Reunion” (my Mother’s side) near Los Angeles, California.
I mailed out about 30 invites to relatives that I had contact information for. I encouraged relatives to contact other relatives. About 2 months after the invites were sent out, I got my dad, mom, brothers and sisters to join me with food to grill, not knowing how many relatives would attend. We did not have cell phones, and I did not have many phone numbers.
We started setting up, warming up the grill around 10am, and by noon, I bet we had over 100 relatives show up.
Relatives showed from other parts of California, Texas, Arizona, North Carolina, Arkansas, Nevada and New Mexico.
We had to make a few more runs to the market for food and beer. Yep, lots of beer drinkers. It was a great day.
We heard so many stories, some unbelievable and hilarious, all very memorable. Over 20 relatives stayed the night at my home. We did not sleep until they left. I met so many relatives that I hadn’t met before. Even to this day, I remember that day, like it was yesterday. Over the years, we did travel to visit several relatives. Many of us got very close from that day.
I know a Saturday party focused on neighbors meeting neighbors here, in Oak Hollow Park will be a very good day.
A Saturday Neighborhood Party could be fun like a big family reunion. Imagine, besides all the food, the fun of meeting neighbors you don’t know, playing fun games, fun contests, and build relationships with others that live close by.
Taking photos to keep the memories fresh. This allows you to look forward to the next event when everyone comes together again.