Let me tell you about a happy memory I will never forget.
I was telling this story to my daughter Malena; There was a time before you were born. Your Mom was sad because she had just found out, her company was closing and she was losing her job. Your Mom liked her job but now would have to find another job.
Your Mom bought a new lottery ticket every week and every Sunday she would buy the newspaper to check for a job and also to see if she had won the “Powerball Lottery”.
I decided your Mother needed some cheering up! So, I played a “prank” on her. I took the newspaper she had thrown in the trash. I only kept the “Lottery” results page.
I checked off the lottery numbers from that page and I went to the store and bought a Powerball Lottery ticket matching the numbers from that page (the page that I took out of the trash). I gave the new Lottery ticket to your Mom for the upcoming week’s lottery.
When your Mom bought that Sunday newspaper and brought it home, I quickly exchanged the (old) Lottery results page with the (new) Lottery results page that was in the newspaper and I laid the newspaper near your Mom.
Within about 5 minutes, your sad Mom was jumping around like a happy maniac, yelling we won the Lottery! We won the Lottery! We had won the lottery!
After I few minutes, I told her the truth, how I changed the Powerball Lottery results page. Yes, she got upset for a couple minutes. I explained that this would a Happy Day memory, all the smiling, jumping up and down and I would never forget.
I smile every time I remember her excitement on that day. Your mom has mixed emotions, and I am still breathing, so I still remember with a smile.
One of your mom’s fondest memories of course, is when you were born. We all have happy and special days and it’s nice when we can recall and remember fond memories to make our sad times fade away.