Have you ever saw an old vacant house and wanted to explore it?
Well, I’ll tell you a story about five boys, Tommy, Willie, George, Jimmy, and Tim, who did it.

The Haunted House

Tommy and his parents were moving to a new town, he was a little nervous but he knew he would make friends easily.

As they pulled into the driveway, Tommy saw about 4 neighborhood boys playing basketball just down the street.

Tommy and his parents finished putting all the boxes in the house.

Tommy decided to go down the streets and introduce himself to the boys playing basketball.

He said, “Hi I am Tommy.”

He met Jimmy, Tim, George and Willie.

Willie told Tommy; “Did you know the house next to you on the corner is haunted?”

Tommy said, “really?”

Willie said, “yeah, the old couple that lived there were robbed and killed because they were rich. Supposedly, the old couple had a huge fortune, a trunk of precious diamonds hidden somewhere in the house.

Willie continues, “the robbers tried to force the old couple into revealing the treasure’s location, but the old people were stubborn. The old couple refused to tell them, and the robbers killed them and ran away. They killed their dog too!”

George says, “rumor has it that every night at midnight, the old man’s ghost appears, falling down the chimney piece by piece. It is said if you wait there long enough, the body will reassemble, and the ghost will tell you where to find the treasure. Unfortunately, no is brave enough to sit there long enough.”

Jimmy says, “So we are going there tonight, you can join us around 11pm, bring a sleeping bag, as we will camp out by the fireplace.

Tim said, “If you aren’t too scared, we’ll see you at 11pm tonight.”

Tommy really didn’t know if he believed them, thinking this is probably a prank for the new kid.

At 11pm, Tommy looked out his bedroom window and sure enough the guys were outside with sleeping bags and flashlights. Tommy grabbed his sleeping bag, flashlight, and went outside to join the others.

It was really dark outside and the wind started blowing harder. The house had been vacant for a long time. It was old, but larger than the other houses in the neighborhood.

Willie jimmied the door open and everyone held on to their flashlights. It looked like no one had been there for years.

The furniture was draped with white sheets and cobwebs were everywhere.

The five youngsters found a spot near the chimney, spread out their sleeping bags and settled in to wait until the clock struck midnight.

The house was quiet until the town clock chimed twelve. At once, a thunderous rumbling was heard in the vicinity of the fireplace. A yellowish, hazy light ash began to pour from the fireplace.

Tommy turned to Willie, George, Tim and Jimmy as they were up on their feet and said: “will that ash really reassemble into a ghost?”

More ash continued  falling into the fireplace. The ash seemed to be piling up on the stones in the fireplace.

Then there was a thumping sound as if something or someone had fallen down the chimney.

Ash was everywhere and the guys saw the ash moving around, and they could hear a noise they never heard before.

Willie let out a piercing scream.

There was another thumping sound in the fireplace and the ash was moving in another place.

It looked like the ash could be reassembling before there very eyes, but the guys got so scared and they ran out the door as fast as they could run until they got to their own homes.

Tommy woke up his parents when he ran into the house screaming.

Mom said, “ Oh my God, what’s wrong Tommy?”

Tommy said, “The house next door is haunted, and we saw a ghost!

Mom said, “what do you mean, you saw a ghost?”

“Me, Willie, Tim, Jimmy and George went to the old home next door. They thought we might find a treasure there. And then a ghost came down the fireplace and I ran home!”

All the other boys were as terrified as Tommy was.

The following morning a couple parents decided to go inside the old house to take a look for themselves. None of the boys wanted to go.

Soon after the parents went into the old, haunted house, stayed for about 5 minutes and walked back out smiling and even laughing.

The parents told the boys that there are no ghosts in the house next door.

Tommy said, “but we saw ghosts.”

Tommy’s Dad said, “no what you saw were not ghosts. Apparently you 5 boys holding flashlights in a very dark house created enough excitement to attract a couple raccoons that were in the attic. Looks like they stirred up some dust and fell down the fireplace looking for the light.”

– The End