Inspiring read …

I had spent more than an hour in the bank with my mom, as she needed to transfer some money.

Unable to resist, I asked her, “Mom, why don’t we activate your internet banking?”

“Why would I do that?” she asked, puzzled.

“Well, then you wouldn’t have to spend an hour here for things like transfers. You could even do your shopping online. Everything would be so easy!” I said, eager to introduce her to the world of online convenience.

She looked at me thoughtfully and asked, “If I do that, I won’t have to step out of the house?”

“Exactly!” I replied, excited to explain how groceries could be delivered to her door, how online shopping could bring everything she needed right to her fingertips.

But her answer left me speechless.

She said, “Since I entered this bank today, I’ve met four of my friends, chatted with the staff who know me well by now. You know I’m alone… This is the company I need. I like getting ready and coming to the bank. I have time, and it’s the human interaction that I yearn for. 

Two years ago, when I got sick, the store owner from whom I buy fruits came to see me and sat by my bedside, tears in her eyes. And just a few days back, when your dad fell during his morning walk, our mailman saw him and immediately rushed him home because he knows where we live.

Would I have that ‘human’ touch if everything became online? Why would I want everything delivered to me, forcing me to interact with just my smartphone? I like knowing the person I’m dealing with, not just the ‘seller.’ It creates connections and relationships. 

Does online shopping deliver all this as well?”

In that moment, I realized the depth of what she was saying.

Technology may offer convenience, but it cannot replace the warmth of human connection.

The small interactions, the faces we see, the voices we hear, these are the moments that bring us closer, creating the bonds and connections that make our lives meaningful.

Technology isn’t life. Spend time with people, not just devices.

For in the end, it’s the human interaction, the shared smiles, the connections we build, and the memories we create that truly matter.