“Omg.... The neighbors have been complaining that my dog barks non-stop”
I hate the idea of an electric zapping bark collar for my dog, so I decided to purchase a “humane citronella collar”. When a dog barks, it shoots a blast of citronella under their nose and apparently, they don’t like it, and this will stop the barking.
This morning I was getting the collar ready and I filled it with the citronella liquid. And that’s where my morning should have ended.
But no, it’s me, and I begin to become curious as to “how” the collar actually works. So, I’m standing by my back door “barking” at my dog’s collar. Nothing happens. I make sure it’s turned on, I check the fill level, and I go through the “getting started” check list one more time. Again, I bark. Nothing happens.
Now I’m not quite sure, why I had this next thought, but I did.
“I put the collar on. I seriously extended the band over my head, I fit the growl box against my throat and barked”.
Apparently, the collar only works if it feels vibrations, because I immediately received a blast of citronella to the face.
I began coughing, which only caused the collar to continue squirting bug spray over and over into my nasal cavity.
I’m now on my hands and knees in my back yard, trying to breathe, and to make matters worse, my dog starts barking. So, between coughing and telling her to stop, I’ve emptied over a dozen blasts of citronella to my face.
During all of this ruckus, I’m trying to undo the clasp of the collar, which has somehow managed to weld shut during this whole fiasco. I finally get the collar off and threw, yes, I threw that inhumane thing across the yard, as I frantically tried to suck in the cool morning air so I could start breathing again.
Now I am thinking, this is probably the dumbest thing I’ve done in a while.
Then I hear laughter.
My neighbor saw the whole thing!
He was laughing so hard he had tears running down his face.
He tells me, “I was gonna come help, but every time I started to climb over the fence, you’d set it off again and then I would start laughing and I just couldn’t make it.”
So now, not only are my eyes red, but my face and ears are too. After checking to make sure I was ok, we parted ways and I went in to shower so I wouldn’t smell like ode de’ Tiki Torch.
Lesson learned: next time (yes, there will always be a next time with me) make sure that: 1. Don’t fill the collar before trying to set it off.
2. Remember your neighbor is not a good source of help in a comedy crisis situation. On the plus side, I won’t have a mosquito problem for a few days! 😂😂😂😂”