A father was fed up with his son’s misbehavior and gave him a stern lecture.
In defiance, the little boy stomped his foot, grabbed a few clothes, his favorite teddy bear, and his piggy bank, then declared proudly, “I’m running away from home!”
The father, trying to stay calm, thought he’d reason with him.
“What will you do when you get hungry?” he asked.
Without missing a beat, the child replied, “I’ll come home and eat!”
“And if you run out of money?”
“I’ll come home and get more!” the boy answered confidently.
The father tried one last question, “What if your clothes get dirty?”
“Then I’ll come home and let Mommy wash them!” the boy said with a grin.
The father chuckled, shaking his head. “This kid isn’t running away from home; he’s just preparing for college!”