After a long while, I caught up with some old friends.

We all grew up in the same neighborhood. It was fun catching up.

We were reminiscing past memories when Carol (his wife) told this story.

A couple years ago Bill (her husband) and me (Carol) were in a work bowling league on Friday nights.

I would meet Bill at the Bowling Alley. When the games ended, one night, Bill was busy talking and drinking with his work buddies, and totally ignoring me, so I decided to go home.

I don’t remember the reason, but that night I switched cars to drive home.

When he and his friends decided to leave, Bill went outside and did not see his car.

He called the Police stating his car was stolen.

Then when cars start leaving, and when the cops arrived, Bill sees my car, so he tells the cops, he is sorry, looks like my wife pulled another “prank” on him and took my car, and left hers.

When he got home, he was mad, he started yelling at me, but I kept my face in my pillow because I couldn’t stop laughing.

Everyone was smiling, even Bill.