Roof hail damage

Let’s compare renovations. The homes in Oak Hollow Park were built 40 years ago or close to it. We have a few original homeowners still residing in the neighborhood. But most of the homes have the 2nd or 3rd (like me) new owner since the home was built. I remember we had linoleum in the kitchen. And wallpaper that was so old-fashioned, on the bathroom walls, it reminded me of a museum.

It wasn’t long before the roof was leaking (hail damage) in several places. I wanted a new roof but I was concerned how I much I was going to pay for it. A couple years ago, a young roofing contractor knocked on my door named David Gonzalez, asking if I was interested in getting a new roof. He had just installed a new roof on a neighbor’s home.  

He climbed on the roof, took some pictures, then asked if he could look inside my house, where he took a few more pictures. I had water stains on the ceiling in a few different places. We talked for quite a long time. He explained that my insurance company would pay for most of a new roof bill. He also warned me that some insurance companies send out “field inspectors” that usually only consider replacing the roof shingles but no interior repairs.

He told me to ask my insurance company to send someone out to inspect my roof. He told me it would not cost me anything to get to get a field agent out to evaluate the damage.

Then the best thing he could say, he did.

David offered to be available when the Insurance company sent out the field roof inspector. I felt like a 3rd wheel when the field inspector showed up, but it worked out in my favor.

David, convinced the field agent to consider the whole roof, the roof eves, and all the interior ceilings where water stains were visible. He convinced the field agent to add repainting all the walls that had small water stains too. I was not just getting a new roof but removing the popcorn ceiling was included and repainting the ceilings and walls was like a major remodel. Yes, we paid a small portion considering all the repairs that were authorized to be done.

Many Oak Hollow Park neighbors have done renovations the last couple years. Some good experiences, some not so good. It would be nice to know which contractors do good work at fair cost  and which contractors not so much.

I would like to hear your  renovations experiences, good and bad.