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One Last Ride

Inspiring Story of Love and fulfilling that bucket list. Dan, a grizzled old Harley-Davidson biker, stood outside the retirement home in the Bronx, his eyes

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Amazing Kids

I drive a school bus and have a 6th grader that I want to talk about. Last week he was talking about an elderly neighbor

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Emily in Kansas

Inspiring story of kindness: In a cozy diner tucked away in the heart of Kansas, a waitress named Emily worked a shift that would forever

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Love is Something

A very poor man lived with his wife, and although they struggled to make ends meet, they cherished each other deeply. One day, the wife,

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Coffee Jar Story

A young couple had elderly neighbors they were quite fond of. Every Sunday, they made it a point to visit the older couple, sharing coffee

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Last Battle

If it should be that I grow weak, and pain should keep me from my sleep. Then you must do what must be done, for

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