I had an opportunity to meet 3 people that reside in different nearby neighborhoods. We talked about how their neighborhood associations communicate with their neighbors. I heard the same story from all of them. Every year, during the Fall, their association board members create an annual budget. They determine how much money they need for the upcoming next year.
For example, let’s say the estimate is $6,000. They collect voluntary dues from 150 neighbors ($40 each), they are solid for the upcoming year. If you have 295 homes, that means if any of the remaining 145 neighbors contribute, wow great extra money, but if not, no problem. The goal is set!
Once a year, in the Fall, they all have a large meeting with all the neighbors that are available at a nearby school to discuss the proposed budget. They also meet in the same place for their monthly association meetings. I learned that in each of these neighborhoods, every resident receives a “printed newsletter every month” so all neighbors can be updated, keeping all neighbors on the same page. Sometimes their newsletters have questionnaires. Although they have their neighborhood website and Facebook page, their “main communication” is the printed newsletter. Please know many neighbors are too busy & are not checking the website or Facebook page, but all residents will read the printed newsletter. I believe it would be a good idea for our neighborhood, for every resident to get a printed newsletter.