It happened 40 years ago, on January 12, 1985. The city came to a standstill as over 13 inches of snow blanketed the area. It remains the heaviest snowfall total ever recorded here.

It’s been called the “Great Texas Snowstorm,” and for good reason. The 1985 record snowfall still stands as the heaviest snowfall total ever recorded in San Antonio since local weather records began in 1885, and it happened 40 years ago this week.

On Jan. 12, 1985, sleet and light rain began falling just after midnight, and the precipitation soon became snow, and it kept falling. A total of 13.2 inches fell on Jan. 12, and an additional 0.3 inch accumulated during the early morning of Jan. 13, records show.

During the snowstorm, how did it affect Oak Hollow Park?

Read “Memories” from Elyse Allen of the “1985 Snowstorm”… the link is