Tuxedo Boy

Fond Memories and Fewer Sad Days

My birth dad passed away this year. I did not meet him until I was in my 30’s. This is the story my daughter was told. 

Malena’s Grandfather had just passed away. Malena had just arrived home from the funeral. 

Malena was very sad. She was still crying when her Mom asked Malena’s  Dad (that is me) to talk to Malena. 

I began to console her, telling her Granddad would not want her to be sad. 

In fact, I asked her if she could remember what Granddad was wearing in his coffin? 

Malena thought about it for a few moments and then said, he was wearing a black “tuxedo”. 

Yes, Granddad wanted to be buried wearing a “tuxedo”.

Malena asked “Why”? 

“Your Granddad grew up on a farm. He had plenty of chores to do on the farm and pretty much he wore jeans, boots and a cowboy hat every day. 

However, when he was 9 years old, he had to dress up because his Aunt Sara was getting married.

Grandad’s Mom had rented a “tuxedo” with shiny black shoes for him to wear. Although he was not happy about it, he put on the “tuxedo” and the shiny black shoes, even though the shoes really hurt his feet. 

At the wedding, he forgot about who was getting married because everyone started coming up to him, kissing him, hugging him, talking about how adorable and cute he looked and he was feeling pretty special. In fact, at the wedding reception, every girl there was in line to dance with him. Your Granddad loved to dance even into his 90’s. 

The next morning when Grandad woke up, he figured he must of fell asleep in the car on the way home. He saw the tuxedo all crumpled up on the floor. He could smell breakfast cooking, eggs, bacon, and he jumped out of bed. He decided to put the “tuxedo” and shiny shoes on again. 

When he got into the kitchen, his Mom told him saw him wearing the “tuxedo” and told him, he needed to change, as she had rented the ‘tuxedo” and she needed to return the “tuxedo” and it is for special days only! 

He wanted to wear the “tuxedo” and feel special every day, but Mom insisted he change. 

The next day, his Granddad’s Mom gave him a photo she had developed of him wearing his “tuxedo” to keep and to help him remember that great feeling he felt, when he wore the “tuxedo”. 

So anytime Granddad felt a little sad, he’d take out his “tuxedo” photo out and start remembering that wonderful day and his sadness would fade away. 

Malena, everybody needs to have a happy day memory that they can think about and make some sadness fade away.”

– Les