The crash is so great, both vehicles are completely smashed, but amazingly neither driver is hurt.

After getting out of their respective cars, the woman says:

“But look how our cars turned out!”

“And miraculously we don’t have a scratch!”

This must be a sign from God so we know each other, become friends, and we make love like crazy for the rest of our days.”

The man, enthralled by the beauty of the woman, responds: “Oh yeah! I totally agree with you. This is a sign from God.”

The woman continues: “Look, another miracle. My car is completely destroyed, but this bottle of wine didn’t break. Surely God wants us to take it and celebrate our good fortune.  

The man, totally agrees, opens the bottle, makes a toast, and drinks half the bottle.

Then gives it back to her for her to drink too.

The woman grabs the bottle and put a lid on it.

The man, surprised, asks her: “Are you not going to drink?”

The woman responds: “No, I prefer to wait for the Police to come and take our alcohol test.”