All money collected from Raffle ticket sales will go into the OHPNA membership fund.

We will sell Raffle tickets $1 each ticket  
Neighbors increase your odds of winning a Raffle prize and the money collected goes back into the OHPNA membership fund.
When a Raffle ticket drawn, we will ask the winner to collect the prize.
After a minute or two, if nobody comes forth, we will call the phone number on the back of the ticket. We will give 10 minutes from call time for winner to come forth to collect prize. If winner does not show within 10 minutes, it will be too late and a new ticket will be drawn.

We will ask businesses to donate gifts for raffle prizes. It’s fun when you win something!

I figure we want to get a few Gifts, prizes, or Gift Certificates, for our raffle drawing. Please for those that can, ask the company you work for to donate a gift or service.
Hopefully business owners that reside in Oak Hollow Park will donate a gift or a service.
Yes, we can ask local businesses to donate a gift or service … HEB, CVS, Walmart, ACE Hardware, Florists, Beauty Salons, and all local businesses near our neighborhood to donate gifts or services.
Doing Potluck food dishes will really keep the Party costs from getting too high.

50-50 Raffle

If our neighborhood is looking for a way to bolster donations, we can try a 50/50 raffle. Sell tickets for entry into the raffle, typically for a fee of $1 per ticket. Add up all of your ticket sales, then divide them in half. One half goes to your party and the other goes to a lucky winner.