We need a Saturday Founder's Day Celebration Party in Oak Hollow Park,
Yes, on Saturday, so more people can attend!

Oak Hollow Park was established in 1981. After 40+ years, I think it’s a good idea to celebrate our wonderful family neighborhood.
There is only one message: “We care about our neighbors, and here is how we want to show it.”
Time for a Neighborhood Block Party on a Saturday!
A neighborhood block party held outdoors in Oak Hollow Park, organized by the neighbors living in the neighborhood:
Neighbors getting to know their neighbors better and Food, yes, food brings neighbors together – Fun and games.
Organizing a neighborhood block party is a great way to meet more neighbors and develop friendships.
Stronger social connections means that neighborhoods are better prepared if disasters happen, and more likely to work together to solve problems.
I hope you like the plan I am proposing. A Founder’s Day Celebration Party in May, 2024, in Oak Hollow Park.
It can be like merging your favorite “Family Reunion with a Neighborhood Block Party.”
Neighbors sitting & eating with other neighbors – talking with other neighbors – with Music – Entertainment – Raffle prizes and fun games & contests on a beautiful “Spring day” on Saturday in May, 2024.
Of course like “National Night Out” a big event like a “Founder’s Day Celebration Party” has to be added to the OHPNA calendar for 2024. So if you like the idea, let a OHPNA board member know that you like the idea.
Like “National Night Out” the “OHPNA Board members” would need to take the lead to make this happen.
I will present ideas that I think are possible, knowing all the games and contests I present might not make the cut.
Please read all the links on this page and tell us what you think.
On September 22nd, during our Friday morning “Coffee Club” meeting I did a brief presentation about my ideas for a “Founder’s Day” in Oak Hollow Park for 2024. Ask Kevin, he was there with other neighbors.
Just imagine, if we can gather neighbors that have lived in the neighborhood for the past 40 years, the stories we could listen to, maybe see some old photos and learn more about the history of Oak Hollow Park.
Original Homeowners
Most of our history is still a mystery to me but my research suggests that our neighborhood’s first homes were completed in the fall of 1981. Our official name became Oak Hollow Park in the fall of 1981. And after 40+ years, we should be hosting our first annual “Founder’s Day Celebration” party.
I tried to learn how many original owners still reside in Oak Hollow Park, but I only figured out some, I am sure there are more that don’t communicate on Facebook.
I mentioned to a “board member” that our original homeowners should be recognized.
I still don’t know how many “original homeowners” are missing from my list.

IMPORTANT – please click on highlighted red links for more details

I hope we can get enough support to add a Founder’s Day Celebration Party to the OHPNA calendar in 2024.
The OHPNA Calendar of Events has not changed much over the past few years. I believe our neighborhood would benefit by adding  a Founder’s Day Celebration Party to the schedule.

The OHPNA Calendar of Events for 2024

  • February – First Responder’s Appreciation Dinner
  • * May – First Founder’s Day Celebration party (new)
  • October – National Nite Out & Membership Drive
  • December – Christmas Caroling + Light contest

 * if you like the idea let your OHPNA board members know.

** click here for the real history of National Night Out

So I started focusing on a “Saturday Party,one that is focused on our Neighbors and hopefully our “original homeowners” would get a “time” and “place” to tell their stories, so we could learn more about the history of Oak Hollow Park.
My focus was to promote an annual “Founder’s Day Celebration Party” in May 2024. The idea sounded  great to me, but I wondered how we could host 100’s of neighbors, so more research.
When I read we had more than 100 neighbors at the National Night Out,
I knew this Saturday Party for our Neighbors could work.
I researched fun stuff that our neighbors could do or would enjoy watching.

A Theme for Founder’s Day

Our Founder’s Day Party should have a theme. I think “Oak Hollow Park Olympics” would work, but I will keep an open mind.

Why “Olympics” because of all the fun contests that neighbors can participate in. I will mention them soon.

Let the Games Begin

Neighbors as participants, or as judges, or as spectators, enjoying these fun contests:

Clicking the red links will take you to a new page with more details

Egg Toss Team Contest: choose a partner, winners get (5) Raffle tickets each;

* each participant earns (1) free Raffle ticket; click red link for more information

Lemon on a Spoon race: winner gets (5) Raffle tickets;

* each participant earns (1) Raffle ticket; click red link for more information

Mingo Bingo “Ice Breaker” game; click red link for more information

* each completed card turned in earns (1) Raffle ticket

Neighborhood Scavenger Hunt contest; click red link for more information

* each completed card turned in earns (1) Raffle ticket

Cornhole Game Contest: winner gets (5) Raffle tickets

* click red link for more information

Bingo for Silver Dollars; game winners get $5 (Silver Dollars).

* click red link for more details

The “Guessing Game”: A jar full of chocolate candy.

* Best guesser gets all the candy. Click red link for more details.

Best Storytelling Contest: Best Storyteller get (5) Raffle tickets

* each participant earns (1) Raffle ticket; click red link for more information

There are so many more fun activities that an organizing committee can finalize the list.

Contest Winner get Olympic Medals

It would be great if we could give all contest winners “medals.”
Contests that medals can be awarded.
  • Egg Tossing contest for winning team
  • Lemon on a spoon  race winner
  • Cornhole game contest
  • Best Storytelling contest winner

Volunteers are very Important from the start of planning (click on link for more Volunteer info.)

After a plan is presented, there will be a need for volunteers to help organize and schedule meetings to discuss all the details and help recruit other neighbors to help.

Name Tags Are Important:

Important, we need to wear name tags when we have an event in Oak Hollow Park.

As we gracefully age, our neighbor’s faces look familiar but a name tag helps.

There might be 500 people living in Oak Hollow Park. Most of us only know a few well.

I have learned by hosting the Coffee Club that meeting more neighbors is really special.

If the OHPNA membership fund covers the main dishes and our neighbors contribute favorite dishes and drinks, we will be set. We can create a list to keep track of who is bringing what so we don’t have too much duplication.


click red link for more details
We will ask local businesses to donate gifts for raffle prizes.
Imagine having a half dozen or more raffle prizes! Will be fun!

For our Saturday Event, we could start at 9am and be done by 5pm.

click the red text for details for the full day.

A Photo Booth because “You Live Twice: Once in Reality, the 2nd time in Memories”

A popular attraction at parties is the selfie frames

I designed this frame. I have it available for viewing.

The black background is cutout so a person or persons can get their photo in this frame.

I hope we have neighbors to help design custom Selfie Frame designs.

Please view the other design ideas below for selfie frames

My Final Thoughts


Are you interested in an annual Neighborhood Party?

Please let your OHPNA Board Members know!