Best Storyteller … using mics (if needed) so everyone can hear.
Each contestant talks up to 5 minutes to entertain the judges with a story.
Favorite story wins 5 Raffle tickets and to increase participation, all participants get 1 Raffle ticket.
It can be a funny or an inspiring story, or a memory;
Tell a story about something that happened in Oak Hollow Park since you have lived here.
Tell a story about someone that resides or once resided in Oak Hollow Park
Tell a story about yourself, your Spouse or your kids, that happened since you moved here.
I will give you an example of a story about my wife & I, (as an example):
from Les Earls – a story to compare…
It was the last time I ever yelled at my wife!
I know I have been lucky since I married Magda almost 30 years ago.
She reminds me often.
I remember the last time I yelled at my wife.
Just like it happened yesterday, but it happened a few years ago.
We were on a road trip to Waco, Texas, to visit some relatives.
We left on Saturday morning and returned on Sunday.
It is about a 3 hour drive from here to Waco.
We had a lovely time visiting and started home before noon on Sunday.
On the way home we stopped at a roadside restaurant for lunch.
After finishing the meal, we left the restaurant and resumed our trip home.
About 40 minutes after we left the restaurant, my wife remembered that she had left her prescription glasses on the booth table at the restaurant.
I had to travel another two more miles before I could find a place to turn around, in order to return to the restaurant to – retrieve – her – glasses. The traffic, was bumper -to-bumper.
All the way back to the restaurant, I guess I was tired and unhappy.
I guess I complained to my wife during the entire return drive to the restaurant.
To my wife’s relief, we finally arrived at the restaurant.
As my wife got out of the car, and started to hurry inside to retrieve her glasses, I yelled to her,
“While you’re in there, you might as well ask the waitress for my credit card!”