Potluck for Lunch

A “potluck lunch” is an event in which neighbors come together to eat together, visit and talk. Each individual or household brings a dish to share. A potluck lunch is also economical. One can simply make one dish to share, and then go to an event, and there is a whole buffet of interesting, delicious food available. It is less expensive than going out to eat. And more interesting. Plus, it takes less time to prepare one dish compared to preparing many dishes. If you attend a potluck lunch that is attended by only 100 individuals or households, then that means there are 100 different items on the menu that you will be able to eat. But you only spend time preparing one item.

What are the benefits of a neighborhood potluck lunch?

The main purpose is to have fun. We recognize that a potluck lunch can serve many positive purposes. These events can help strengthen a neighborhood. These events provide an opportunity for neighbors to meet and get to know each other better. The more neighbors actually know each other, the stronger a neighborhood becomes. This contributes to neighborhood safety, and other aspects of wellbeing within the neighborhood.
Most importantly, a potluck is about spending time with those around you, sharing a meal, having an excuse to reconnect or get to know someone better, and most of all: building a sense of community.